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Constipation Natural Treatment and How to Cure Constipation Naturally With Natural Home Remedies

Medical meaning of constipation is "fewer than three bowel movements a week." usual bowel group pattern is one bowel movement for each day. A large amount of the people has between 3 and 21 bowel actions per day which is quite a usual situation. Lesser than three bowel movements a week way the person is constipated. Constipation also is different in degree of harshness- a person may undergo from infrequent mild, harsh, sharp or chronic constipation. Cause of all these types of constipation differs from every other.

Symptoms of Constipation

Depending winning the harshness and kind of constipation, the symptoms of constipation might as well be different from person to person.

1. Rare stools.

2. firm stools

3. strain or complexity in passing stools

4. Intelligence of unfinished evacuation after a bowel group.

Causes of Constipation

1. Poor diet with insufficient fiber

2. Milk

3. Lack of work out

4. medicine

5. touchy bowel syndrome

6. Aging

7. Travel

8. Specific circumstances or diseases such as stroke

9. Colon or rectum evils

10. Intestinal function evils (chronic idiopathic constipation)

11. mistreatment of laxatives

12. exacting diseases


Some habits of preventing constipation are known below:

1. Having sufficient exercise

2. Eating high stringy fruits, vegetables, and grains

3. Taking time for having bowel faction, when it is essential

4. Drinking extra water and extra liquids

5. Using laxatives simply when they are counsel by a doctor

6. Checking with doctor if some medicine you having can reason constipation

7. High fiber fruits comprise fresh fruits, Vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cabbage, asparagus, carrot, grains and bran, cereals

1. Stay water in a copper vessel overnight. Have this water first thing in the morning in an unfilled stomach. It is a helpful medicine for constipation.

2. In ½ glass water, combine ¼ tsp of Epsom salt. Imbibe this mixture to heal constipation.

3. A mixture of orange juice and olive oil would too act helpful to cure constipation. In ½ cup orange juice, add equivalent amount of olive oil. Imbibe this to get free of constipation.

4. Combine equivalent quantities of carrot juice and spinach juice in a glass. Drinking this combination at bedtime. It would cure constipation difficulty.

5. A before meal method would be to contain a tsp of linseed with water. It brings in the a great deal needed lubrication necessary for constipation.

6. Consuming hot water with acid lime juice and semi a teaspoon of salt added to it would be helpful in treating constipation.

7. Orange juice when taken unfilled stomach in the morning would be positive in treating constipation.

8. Fennel seeds will assist to cure the digestive difficulty. In a glass of lukewarm water put in a little fennel seeds. Drink this combination each night before going to bed. It would absolutely heal constipation.

9. In case of chronic or harsh constipation, have figs dipped in water. Drink this in large amount in the morning occasion.

10. A guava a day in the early on morning, keeps constipation absent.

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